.... Continue " How God guides"
Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, And afterward receive me to glory
-PS 73:24
Counsel here is interpreted as a advise or plan. Another way God would guide us is thorough His counsel or advice.Remember that this scripture was written relating tothe children of God. How will we be guided by Counsel?
1. By The Inner Witness-
I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel:my reins also instruct me in the night seasons-Psalm 16:7(KJV)
The inner witness operates as an assurance or conviction that this is the right step to take,you just know that this decision seems pleasant to you or otherwise though you can't place your finger on it,you just know deep-sitted in you.Its the voie of conscience,but this may not be reliable,especially because the conscience can be corrupted.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron
-1 Tim 4:2(NKJV).
2. Wise counsellors
For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. (KJV)-Proverbs 24:6
God has placed matured and older believers of our path who we can seek for advice or counsel when taking a decision. This is not a yardstick, but a guide to what God is saying to you. Many have taken the wrong decision because they solely depended on counsellors forgetting that they (Counsellors)are human and are prone to error.
Many believers have turned their pastors and leaders into soothsayers. In the New Testament every believer is to be guided by the HolySpirit (John 16:13) and not by spiritual leaders.Our Spiritual leaders are meant to confirm what that HolySpirit and the Word of God is saying to us.Let me share this story with you;
A dear brother of mine (I will call Ben) was set to marry, he began praying and felt led to one sister Ann. The more he prayed, the more he felt she was his God ordained wife. He thought to share this thought with His spiritual mentors, who felt he should propose to sister Winnie,who they perceived would be a better option, as she was more sophisticated and seemed to them "more qualified ".
He felt a bit uneasy, but coming from his mentors ,he discarded what was in his spirit and proposed to sister Winnie but she turned him down.He went back, not to his mentors,but to God and was reassured that sister Ann was his wife.He now approached sister Ann,who initially was grossly upset with him, as sisters Ann and Winnie were good friends and was aware of His proposal to her friend" Winnie". Anyway, sister Ann took time out to pray and God spoke to her confirming that brother Ben-the brother- was to be her husband. She said yes, and they are still after several years happily married.
What happened to brother Ben?,where did he go wrong?. He discarded the voice of the HolySpirit.
No human counsellor is a match or substitute to the voice and leading of God through His word and His Spirit.
What is the place of human counsellors and which of these is the best way to be guided?
Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, And afterward receive me to glory
-PS 73:24
Counsel here is interpreted as a advise or plan. Another way God would guide us is thorough His counsel or advice.Remember that this scripture was written relating tothe children of God. How will we be guided by Counsel?
1. By The Inner Witness-
I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel:my reins also instruct me in the night seasons-Psalm 16:7(KJV)
The inner witness operates as an assurance or conviction that this is the right step to take,you just know that this decision seems pleasant to you or otherwise though you can't place your finger on it,you just know deep-sitted in you.Its the voie of conscience,but this may not be reliable,especially because the conscience can be corrupted.
Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron
-1 Tim 4:2(NKJV).
2. Wise counsellors
For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. (KJV)-Proverbs 24:6
God has placed matured and older believers of our path who we can seek for advice or counsel when taking a decision. This is not a yardstick, but a guide to what God is saying to you. Many have taken the wrong decision because they solely depended on counsellors forgetting that they (Counsellors)are human and are prone to error.
Many believers have turned their pastors and leaders into soothsayers. In the New Testament every believer is to be guided by the HolySpirit (John 16:13) and not by spiritual leaders.Our Spiritual leaders are meant to confirm what that HolySpirit and the Word of God is saying to us.Let me share this story with you;
A dear brother of mine (I will call Ben) was set to marry, he began praying and felt led to one sister Ann. The more he prayed, the more he felt she was his God ordained wife. He thought to share this thought with His spiritual mentors, who felt he should propose to sister Winnie,who they perceived would be a better option, as she was more sophisticated and seemed to them "more qualified ".
He felt a bit uneasy, but coming from his mentors ,he discarded what was in his spirit and proposed to sister Winnie but she turned him down.He went back, not to his mentors,but to God and was reassured that sister Ann was his wife.He now approached sister Ann,who initially was grossly upset with him, as sisters Ann and Winnie were good friends and was aware of His proposal to her friend" Winnie". Anyway, sister Ann took time out to pray and God spoke to her confirming that brother Ben-the brother- was to be her husband. She said yes, and they are still after several years happily married.
What happened to brother Ben?,where did he go wrong?. He discarded the voice of the HolySpirit.
No human counsellor is a match or substitute to the voice and leading of God through His word and His Spirit.
What is the place of human counsellors and which of these is the best way to be guided?
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