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Showing posts from January, 2016

What is Happiness

WHAT IS HAPPINESS? CAN I BE HAPPY EVERYTIME? WHAT CAN I DO TO BE HAPPY ALWAYS What is Happiness? A pleasurable or satisfying experience Whats it to be Happy ? A Feeling  of pleasure and enjoyment because of your life,situation,or particular event.  Happiness then is temporary. Its situation based. Lopking into the bible,Leah the wife of Jacob was happy because she bore Jacob another son(Genesis 30:13).A Man who has his quiver full of children is termed a happy man(Psalm 127:5).Enjoying his harvest makes a happy man.(Psalm 128:2),when there is protection and preservation from harm,you are happy (Psalm 144:14-15),when we conquer we are happy(Psalm 137:9)    If an individual's life is  situation or event controlled,then he can't be always happy,situations may be good or bad,encouraging or discouraging,up or down;What will that connote,a yo-yo individual,happy now,sad the next and every time looking for material things,events and external conditions that will...

How Will God guide me

HOW WILL GOD GUIDE ME ?  How will I know the right steps to take that are in line with God's plan for my life?    God has prepared ways for direction in our everyday affairs.Let's look at them;And note that all these ways and mediums will never contradict each other;  1. His word- They shall not hunger nor thirst,neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them,even by springs of water will he guide them -Isaiah 49:10   The word of God is likened to rivers or springs of water-  For his delight is in the law of Jehovah and on his law does he meditate day and night.And he shall be like a tree planted by the springs of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season who's leaf also does not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" Psalm1:2-3 God is promising to guide us by His Holy word,God cannot give you an instruction that will contradict His word.Remember The Bible,His word, is His will penned down. ...

The Enemy called Unfaithfulness

What is faithfulness? What's the big deal about being faithful? Does it pay to be faithful? Whats the demerit of unfaithfulness? THE ENEMY CALLED UNFAITHFULNESS We believers have been called to a life of blessings in Christ Jesus(Romans 15:29) but why are many believers not experiencing a life full of blessings? This has been a burden in my heart but let me share with you what the Lord said to me. A faithful man shall abound with(have,enjoy,experience plenty of ) blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. - Proverbs 28:20. In the kingdom where we believers belong in Christ Jesus, promotion is not a product of hard work but a result of your faithfulness," His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord".(Matthew 25:21 kjv) its not a question of how hard you are doing it but how right you are doing it. ...

What is the place of human counsellors

 HOW TO KNOW & DO THE WILL OF GOD...continued What is the place of human counsellors?and which of the ways previously discussed is the best way to be guided?  Human counsellors are not in any way to solely guide the new testament believer. "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come"-John 16:13 (KJV)    This is expressly declared-The Holy Spirit will (surely) guide us into all truth in every decision of life.Does that mean I should not seek the counsel of my spitritual leader(bishop,pastor etc) or disdain their advice? "Where no counsel is , the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety"- Proverbs. 11:14 KJV  Counsellors here in the root word(ya'ats in the Hebrews) is interpreted advise.Every God-sent advice given should not and must not contradict what you have heard fr...

With His Counsel

.... Continue " How God guides" WITH HIS COUNSEL Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, And afterward receive me to glory -PS 73:24 Counsel here is interpreted as a advise or  plan.  Another way God would guide us is thorough His counsel or advice.Remember that this scripture was written relating tothe children of God. How will we be guided by Counsel? 1. By The Inner Witness-  I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel:my reins also instruct me in the night seasons-Psalm 16:7(KJV) The inner witness operates as an assurance or conviction that this is the right step to take,you just know that this decision seems pleasant to you or otherwise though you can't place your finger on it,you just know deep-sitted in you.Its the voie of conscience,but this may not be reliable,especially because the conscience can be corrupted. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron -1 Tim 4:2(NKJV). 2.  Wise counsellors For by wise counse...

Inner Peace

Inner Peace-Ps 23:2,Luke 1:79b 'He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:he leadeth me besides the still waters'-Psalm 23:2(KJV) '.....To guide our feet into the way of peace' -Luke 1:79B Another way God leads us is by peace on our inside. Still waters represent calmness and peace. God will not lead you into trouble, His leading moves us up.   The Fruit of the Spirit as recorded in Galatians. 5:22-23 '...But the fruit of the spirit is love,joy,peace,longsuffering,gentleness,goodness,Faith,meekness, Temperance:against such there is no law'-Galatians 5:22-23(KJV)   Is the manifestation of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and one of this fruit is peace. When you need to take a decision check on your inside. "Do I have peace about this decision". If you feel confused, anxious, worried or uncomfortable. I advice you wait, go back to God in prayers, talk to the Holy Spirit. Never take any major decision in a rush!Request for time.- even 5 minutes!B...

The Holy Spirit our guide

2. The Holy Spirit- Our Guide     You and i take tens and sometimes hundreds of decisions in a day,e.g Should i take a left or a right? Should i drive or take a bus? Should i speak or keep quiet? Should i take this route A or route B ?  Basically,these may not be spelt out in the Bible, yet we need to take decisions each day,and we all desire them to be right. Jesus knew this,an He said-- And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (KJV)-John 14:16 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak:and he will shew you things to come. (KJV)--John 16:13 " Forever" He will be with us,all the time to lead us and guide us to take the right decisio .We need the Holy Spirit, we cannot go through Life trouble-free without Him.He knows the way,He is the true guide. As they ministered to the Lord, ...

How to know and do the will of God

HOW TO KNOW AND DO THE WILL OF GOD As we come into a new year, maybe like me you want to do the will of God ,you want a better walk with God Which has been the root of the success of great men in the scriptures and even in contemporary times. What is the will of God? The will of God (Ratson- in Hebrew) is the desire,delight and what is acceptable to God and Thelma-(in greek)is the purpose, determination, His choice(decree),His inclination (pleasure, desire). The will of God is expressly spelt outside in the scripture, His word to us is His will- that is what He desires( and He is determined to do). Each time you see" I will" from the mouth of God its what He is determined to do, it is also a certain promise. Can God's will change ? When God's promise or intention becomes conditional, that is,in response to the action of another, then God's will becomes subject to the response of the other part involved.His will does not change ;but it's made to b...