WHAT IS HAPPINESS? CAN I BE HAPPY EVERYTIME? WHAT CAN I DO TO BE HAPPY ALWAYS What is Happiness? A pleasurable or satisfying experience Whats it to be Happy ? A Feeling of pleasure and enjoyment because of your life,situation,or particular event. Happiness then is temporary. Its situation based. Lopking into the bible,Leah the wife of Jacob was happy because she bore Jacob another son(Genesis 30:13).A Man who has his quiver full of children is termed a happy man(Psalm 127:5).Enjoying his harvest makes a happy man.(Psalm 128:2),when there is protection and preservation from harm,you are happy (Psalm 144:14-15),when we conquer we are happy(Psalm 137:9) If an individual's life is situation or event controlled,then he can't be always happy,situations may be good or bad,encouraging or discouraging,up or down;What will that connote,a yo-yo individual,happy now,sad the next and every time looking for material things,events and external conditions that will...